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Ph.D in Photography and Cinematography

Languages: english/ italiano/ français /polski/


Visiting Professor of Photography and Art Perception

at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, USA

Academy of Fine Art in Venice, Italy

The Royal Academy of Art  in the Hague, Holland


Founder of European Academy of Photography

Director of Scuola delle Arti Visivi e Midfulness Project in Trieste, Italy

Creative Head of international artistic and scientific OpenWebArtProject


Fine Art Photographer, Film Maker, Visual Artist

Mindful Art Teacher with education and experience in Photography, Cinematography, Painting, Theater and Dance.


Art teachers Trainer. Coach of Contemplative Art Education.


Art Critic specializing in comparisons of Eastern and Western art.


Member of Jury - International Selection Committee at the Biennale in Florence, Italy.

Izabela Jaroszewska graduated with:


PH.D. (Doctor of Photography and Cinema) in The National Higher School of CINEMA, Television and THEATRE in Łodz.

PH.D disertation "Looking and Seeing" a comparison between Eastern and Western Arts Perception and the Contemplative approach to reality and art in both traditions. It also concerns different concepts of beauty in European and Eastern culture, focusing on Japan. Dr.Jaroszewska’s writing focuses on the theory of images in art and also contains a very practical method for developing real experience in the mind of the student.


The University of A. Mickiewicz in Poznan - Department of LAW and Administration with a Master’s degree.


The National Higher School of CINEMA, Television and Theatre in Łodz - postgraduate study


And from the ACADEMY of FINE ARTS - Departement of Photography.


Dr. Jaroszewska was a Founder, Managing Director and instructor at the EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF PHOTOGRAPHY in Warsaw, Poland (2000 - 2012). One of the biggest photographic school in Poland with a 3-year study programme, part-time and weekend study and professional workshops. The Academy trained 200 students, with 40 polish and international instructors and consultants. The European Academy had an innovative approach to teaching photography. Dr. Jaroszewska for the first time in the postcommunist era taught contemplative perception and conscious understanding of photography.

In 2011 she was the Facilitator and Art Director of the big european photographic project "Photography for Professionals" funded by the European Union.


In 2012 she was the Visiting Professor at NAROPA UNIVERSITY, BOULDER, Colorado, USA. Dr.Jaroszewska gave lectures at the Visual Art Department, Psychology Department and Religious Studies Departament. She had great success applying her extensive knowledge and practical exercises in working with the students of the visual arts. Painters, actors, dancers, psychologists, social activists and art therapists all benefited from her expertise. This showed the openness and versatility of Dr. Jaroszewska’s teaching methods.


Currently residing in ITALY, Dr. Jaroszewska is organizing International Workshops of the Arts in TUSCANY. Under Tuscun skies the students have a unique opportunity to explore art from the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the modern day. Emphasis is placed on sense perception and the contemplative processes by experiencing different ways of looking at and making art. Students are immersed into art making through guided contemplative and perception practices including harmony of mind and how to be true in relation to one’s self and the world around them. Workshop highlights are: Photography, Painting, Drawing, Dance, Music, Poetry, Theatre, Awakening and the Opening of the senses through perception.


Dr. Jaroszewska has lectured at The Royal Academy of Art in the Hague in Holand and Academy of Fine Art in Venice, Italy and given workshops in Iceland and in Italy.

A member of the Portfolio reviewers during the International Meeting of Photography - Plovdiv, Bulgaria, she is also an honorary member on the board of The House of Photography in Warsaw, Poland and a Member of Jury International Selection Committee at the Biennale in Florence, Italy.

She contributes regularly for the photographic and art magazines: Pozytyw, Photo and Quarterly Photography.

Dr.Jaroszewska has also curated at several photographic exhibitions.

She has worked as Film Supervisor for american Advertising Agency Amirati Puris Lintas and as a Tv Producer for Film Studios and Television.

She was working also as a fashion and portrait photographer for main polish newspapers.


Art Education and Experience


Her stays in Paris in 1997 and 1998 were extremely successful. She got to know many great photographers and got acquainted with the French style of photography initiated by Henri Cartier-Bresson. She studied the History of Painting and the Perception of Art in contact with real works and also the Theory of Music. Also beginning Zen meditation at Centre Bouddhiste Zen Soto, Association Internationale.


In the Academy of Fine Arts Dr.Jaroszewska studied Painting, Drawnig, New Media, Video Art and Photography.


Studying Filmmaking at the Film School and learning about Directing, use of light, script writing, costume design, set design and film production management.


For two years she was a member of the THEATRE Group run by the students of Jerzy Grotowski (one of the greatest innovators of 20th century theatre). Using new and innovative methods of Grotowski's work like methods of the Essential Theatre, acting Methods and Movement Theory combining the movement of the body with outer and inner perception, for the first time Dr. Jaroszewska discovered how important is for the artist to work on three levels: body, voice and mind.


Since 2002 her interest has headed towards integral and transpersonal psychology, having studied the transpersonal, self-transcendent or spiritual aspects of the human experience. Issues considered in transpersonal psychology include spiritual self-development, self beyond the ego, and other sublime and/or unusually expanded experiences of living. Her research ended up with meeting Ken Wilber the guru of transpersonal psychology during her stay at Naropa University, USA in 2012.

At Naropa University she had also the possibility to expand her knowledge studing Thangka Painting, Calligrahy and Performing Arts.


From 2007 until present Dr. Jaroszewska has studied the DANCE on the Mandala with one of the great living Dzogchen Master Chogyal Namkhai Norbu. This special Dance involves integrating internal and external Space on three levels: body, speech and mind. Within this profound practice she has developed the capacity to work within all six senses and incuding Mind.


In 2013 under the guidance of venetian Maestro, Giulermo Pinna she was studing how to use Sound and Voice singing classic italian song from the Renaissance and Baroque in the choir in Venice (Soprano and ContrAlto).




Izabela Jaroszewska´s photographs were exhibited in almost 80 galleries.


The most important are:

Gallery „pf”, Poznan Gallery MTP, Poznan; Gallery Akademy of Fine Arts, Cracow; Gallery Akademy of Fine Arts, Poznan; Gallery „Foto-Medium-Art”, Gallery „Prezentacje” Wojnowice; Gallery of Art, Kłodzko; Gallery BWA Gorzow Wlkp; House of Photography, Poprad, Slovakia an exhibition „ Relations”; Museum in Zyrardow; Dom Bretanii in Poznan; Gallery FF in Łodz – an exhibition My Dreams; Helicon in Warsaw – The Jazzbook; Museum in Wolsztyn; Gallery „ Wozownia” in Torun; International Meetings of Photography -Plovdiv, Bulgaria 2003; House of Photography, Warsaw - an exhibition La Mer; Polish Culture Institute, Sofia, Bulgary;

Gallery in Warna, Bulgary; Art Gallery, Nowa Zagora, Bulgary;

Warsaw -. Iceland - No Man's Land;

WM Gallery, AMSTERDAM, Holand

The Hafnarfjordur Institute of Culture and Fine Art, REYKJAVIK, ISLAND, an exhibition De Profundis.

Espace Chatlet Victoria, PARIS - the exhibition ZEN , PARIS PHOTO 2010,

De Profundis- L'Ausonia, Trieste, ITALY. Iceland- Vis-a-Vis, Trieste, ITALY. De Profundis,

Photography & Revelation - at Joan Anderson's Studio, BOULDER, Colorado, USA.

"Meditiamoci" - Doble Room Gallery, Trieste, ITALY.

Chambre d'elle, Venice, Italy





"Lookind and Seeing" Ph.D disertation, 2010, The Higher State School of Cinema, Television and Theatre in Lodz

Photo Book "Day before Warsaw"- contemporary pictures, Bosz, 2004

Izabela Jaroszewska - Iceland - No Man's Land, 2004;

Izabela Jaroszewska -Photographs 2001;

My Dreams 2001;

Izabela Jaroszewska - Photographs,1999;

Izabela Jaroszewska - Legal protection of photography and audiovisual works 1997, published by The Higher State School of Cinema, Television and Theatre in Lodz

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