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Tous le Matins du Monde/ 1999-2014

"Tous les Matins du Monde sont sans retour  " ("All the mornings of the world never return") /

quote from the movie "Tous les Matins du Monde" of Alain Corneau 1991

spoken by Marais in chapter XXVI of Quignard's novel when he learns of the death of Madeleine.

All is impermanent.

And what is the all that is impermanent? The eye is impermanent, visual objects [rupa], eye-consciousness... eye contact ... whatever is felt as pleasant or unpleasant or neither-unpleasant-nor-pleasant, born of eye-contact is impermanent.

The perceiving of impermanence, bhikkhus, developed and frequently practiced, removes all sensual passion, removes all passion for material existence, removes all passion for becoming, removes all ignorance, removes and abolishes all conceit of "I am."

                                                                                             Buddha Sakjamuni

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